: transliteration

Hasdei Meir - סיכום של רב דוד עמאר

Rabbi David Amar, Dayan, and talmid Mekubal of Ribbi Kadouri zal"tzal. 

Rabbi David Amar was born in Israel to Rabbi Moshe and Dora Amar. His father, Rabbi Moshe was born in Morocco to Rabbi Yaakov who lived with 4 wives together in harmony.

Rabbi Amar studied in Yeshivat Merkaz Harav and earned סמיכה for רבנות and דיינות from 5 of the greatest Sephardic  Hakhamim :

Rabbi Dovid Ezran זצ״ל, 
Rabbi Shalom Mechachi זצ״ל, 
Rabbi Yeshua Attia זצ״ל, 
Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu זצ״ל, 
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef שליטא.

Rabbi David Amar studied Kabbalah closely with Rabbi Mordechai Sharabi during the last 5 years of his life and with Rabbi Yitzchak Kaduri for over 25 years until his passing in 2006.

Rabbi David Amar currently holds the position of Rosh Kollel at Yeshiva Peer Yosef Institution in Jerusalem. 
This yeshiva institution is unique in that it maintains many branches, from gan (nursery school), elementary school, mechina (middle school), yeshiva ketana, yeshiva gedola, in addition to a full time kollel. They also maintain a girls school. They currently educate 640 students and support 124 kollel avreichim. This means that 124 adults study Torah full time! Additionally, 25 of the senior avreichim dedicate most of their time towards the study of Kabbalah in depth.
This school is comprised of mostly Sephardic students who come from families of lacking means. Yeshiva Peer Yosef does not turn away any student for not being able to pay the school tuition. They take the financial burden of educating their students upon themselves!

Rabbi David Amar lectures at the yeshiva kollel on topics of Talmud, Halakha, and Kabbalah. Rabbi Amar also arranges for special prayers to be recited by the kollel members for various communal or private needs. The Yeshiva also dedicates specific times of Torah study by the kollel towards anyone's needs and requests, such as, tikun neshama, (repentance of the soul), a refuah shelaima, (speedy recovery), aliyat neshama, (for the loss of a loved one), and for many other requests.
The power of the Prayers and Torah study of Torah scholars is unimaginable.

Rabbi Amar is highly respected and loved by all people. His love of mankind, continuous acts of chesed and Torah is truly extraordinary. Rabbi Amar is also very humble. He never asks for donations and helps and blesses everyone who he meets regardless of their ability or desire to support Rabbi Amar's tzedaka fund.
Rabbi Amar speaks many different languages and travels to many different countries throughout the year not only for fundraising, but even more importantly, to reach out to all human beings without discrimination as part of his mission of guiding people towards finding solutions for their difficulties. Rabbi Amar has established and maintains rabbinic and mentoring relationships with hundreds of people. Rabbi Amar maintains contact mostly via personal telephone calls in a way that is difficult for the layperson to comprehend in terms of realistic time. Upon meeting Rabbi Amar, his power and positive energy are perceived instantly.

Rabbi Amar is available via telephone any time for counseling, blessings, Halakha questions and much more.

Don't hesitate to establish a bond with Rabbi Amar. You will only be met with pure kindness.

Please consider earning the big zechut of becoming a supporter of Torah education in Jerusalem by agreeing to establish an official Yissachar/Zevulun relationship with the Yeshiva. 

This means that you will receive a certificate contract for the amount of time that you are interested in providing donations. In this way you will maintain a relationship with Talmedei chachomim/ Torah scholars in the same way the Torah describes that the tribe of Zevulun supported the tribe Yissachar during the time of the Bet Hamikdash. 

The Torah further states that the tribe of Zevulun shared an equal portion of the Torah study of the tribe of Yissachar. What a wonderful kiddush Hashem and direct route to Gan Eden/ paradise.

Rav HaGaon support as more Yechivah Peer Yosef - Neve Ya'akov - Jerusalém - Israel 
Coordinates classes in the kolel for rabbinical training of students with speeches in Portuguese and Spanish and Hebrew.
Following as many Kolelim and Yechivot, opening up the growth of knowledge of Torah and supporting their talmidim/students.
Classes in Portuguese/Spanish/Hebrew from Dayanut and Yoreh Yoreh

Rav HaGaon David Amar fala hebraico, francês, espanhol e inglês. 

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HaRav HaGaon David Amar chelitah

Association HASDEI MEIR 
Bendigamos Benemerência 
Rio de Janeiro - Jerusalém - Paris 

Rav em Bet Midrachi - Jerusalem - IL 

Video de Rav HaGaon David Amar chalitah 

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